Friday, May 10, 2013

(Some of the) Best Dressed Men on the Court

In honor of the NBA playoffs, we give a shout-out to the men who know how to handle themselves off the court, as well as they do on it.

From the over-sized pocket square to the all white sneakers, D Wade definitely has his own take on style.  And it works.  

While he may be known as the biggest douche in the league, the man can still dress.  He may not have as many rings as Michael, but he traded in being known for Hanes to be known for his impeccable taste in clothing. 
His style is something most of us would never even attempt to pull off, but it is him.  Russell Westbrook is  know for his over-the-top clothing and colors.  But while most people wearing this outfit (or most of his outfits) would look ridiculous, he puts it together well, and he deserves some props for that.
With his almost vintage style at times KD know how to look, play, and act like a boss
Injured or not, we love Derrick Rose in the Midwest.  While GQ may have dressed him for the picture above, the man knows how to wear the right fit.  His style is a little different and not always as put together as someone like Dwayne Wade, but it looks sharp none-the-less. 


1 comment:

  1. Good recognition, but being from LA, I can't help but think someone may be missing, of the Mamba variety.
