Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Suede Wingtips

Suede Wingtip Brogues from Topman.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

I Fucking Love Fall

Summer days have officially started to dwindle in the Midwest, and we can feel the breeze of the fall air.  About fucking time; I honestly wait year round for fall to return.  New lines come out, new styles emerge, and everyone from kindergartners going back to school to the biggest names in fashion are updating their wardrobes.  Here are some of the reasons I love this blustery time of year, and the ways to wear them.


You will find me in anything from sneakers to monk straps to loafers, but when fall comes rolling around I am in boots more often than anything else.  Nothing crazy fancy, nothing "out there", but some good old chukkas, ankle boots, and maybe a rugged pair of Timberlands will keep you on point with your style this fall.  If you want to stand out a little more, search out a pair with some design, or a wingtip.  Just be aware that you're going to get a lot of envious stares, but that shouldn't bother you.

You don't need to be head of the history department to sport a great tweed blazer.  While this has taken on bad connotations at times, it is truly a classic look, and if done right can elevate your style to a new level.  Just make sure it fits, as soon as the fit is wrong the whole look will be (you're looking for trim and slim, not old and baggy).  Take a look at these examples and find something that matches your personal style, elbow patches are your call.


Your ability to layer is essentially ripped from your grasp during the months of unrelenting heat, but as the temperature drops we have ample opportunity to throw on jackets over cardigans which are over button ups which are, well you get the idea.  Having the ability to add so many different pieces to an outfit can make it look far better than the button up alone.  Take some hints and layer up.

With so many fall trends and styles out there I hardly have time to get into all of them.  Hope a few of these ideas will help you cope with the loss of sun, and look forward to being able to dress more by choice than by weather.


Monday, August 5, 2013

The Weekend Bag Done Right.

Packing for the weekend seems easy, yet so many men do it tastelessly.  I once had a roommate who actually used a garbage bag to pack for a trip we were taking—needless to say he was pulled out of line at the airport for further security screenings.  Your weekend bag is just as much a part of a look as your shoes and coat, so do it right.  Here are some great choices to keep your from looking like the homeless person on the trip.

Your three basic options are going to be leather and canvas, all leather, or an all canvas or nylon bag.  All three can look great, but the two that contain leather are your best bet.  These only get better over time, and each imperfection and marking can remind you twenty years down the line of that crazy guys trip to Vegas.  

Leather and Canvas. Longchamp.  $320.

Nylon Bag.  Marc by Marc Jacobs.  $248.


Leather.  Polo Ralph Lauren.  $498.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

3 Things You Need to Know About Summer: The Shirts, The Shoes, The Water.

Summertime: Shirts, Shoes and the Water.  3 big things to remember.

I’ve noticed that when the sun gets hot and beach weather is upon us, many men decide to leave fashion behind for flip-flops, board shorts and raggedy t-shirts.  This is not okay men, just because you are a little sweaty does not mean you need to look like a bum.  No take off your ridiculous “beach hat” and listen up.

T-shirts are most men’s go-to piece in the summer, it’s easy, it’s comfortable and quite a few of them look good too.  I love a standard t-shirt, who doesn’t?  But that does not mean there aren’t other options, and that doesn’t mean you get to wear that old stained thing you wear around the house outside. 
Try a slim cut short-sleeve button-up. I’m not talking about a baggy Hawaiian shirt you would see on any small town tourist perusing the beaches of Florida in the winter, but a stylish well fit shirt for the same weather. 

Get one, and make sure it fits correctly.  Too baggy and you would have been better off with that old t-shirt.  Also, remember this is a casual shirt never wear this with a tie.  You don’t want to be that guy… 

I can understand the appeal to sandals: it’s hot out, you want your feet to breathe, and they are insanely easy to slip on and off.  This makes them ideal for children being on the beach, short of that I think sandals should be left wherever you leave your bathing suit.  Sandals are not shoes and should not be treated as such, they do not belong with chinos, or jeans, or even your nice shorts. 
If your feet get a little warm then go sockless, whether it be with Sperry’s or some nice brogues, there is always an alternative for sandals, so find the one that works best for you.

Tips for going sockless in the summer:  Gold Bond, don’t use too much, or you can end up with a disgusting paste like substance in your shoe, but remember to use it.  And if you are prone to blisters, grab a Band-Aid Friction Block Stick—cheap, easy to apply and works really, really well.


Board shorts are cool, right?  I remember having some in high school, and all the bros on the west coast like them…  Well, if you are a surfer or a high school student than rock on with your at the knees swim gear, but if you are reading this I assume you have graduated and are ready to look a little more, well, grown-up. 
Look for a swim suit that is roughly 5”- 7” long (obviously this can change depending on your height).  You want something shorter than your everyday shorts, but longer than that old guy who looks like he spends all day, every day tanning until everything around his banana hammock is a brown leathery looking substance.  You’re on the beach to get a little tan, right?  So darken up those pasty white things you call thighs.


Also, stop putting your kids in “swim shirts”.  They look fucking stupid.


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Shoes Every Man Should Know.

Salvatore Ferragamo, John Lobb, Prada, Gucci, Ralph Lauren… When it comes to men’s shoes there are so many fucking choices it is not an easy feat to make up your mind.  I am here to give you a little help and save you a little time.  If you’re looking for quality you will find them it in any of the above named designers as well as every other shoe you stumble across at Bloomingdales, Neiman’s or any store of the sort.  But quality is not where you search should end, you need comfort, style, color, and if you’re like most men, the price is a huge deal breaker.  Stress no more, men of great style and taste, and bypass all the others for the Magnanni’s. 

                If you have previously read my writing the name Magnanni should not be a surprise to you, I will rant and rave about them time and time again.  I own several pairs and each time I find new ones I love them even more than the last.  Magnanni is a family owned company that has been around for over 50 years, but instead of hailing from Italy like the majority of our fine footwear making friends do, these handcrafted treasures come to us from Almansa, Spain.  The leather is of superb quality, the dye is done perfectly, and the construction is like none other.  Best of all the prices range roughly between $200-$500; you still have to pay for the premium product, but not the extra couple hundred for the name. 

Now get your ass off the couch and go buy yourself a pair of Magnanni’s and you’ll know exactly what I am talking about.


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Fucking Rain... Your Rainy Day Essentials

I recently found myself in a less than ideal spot while on vacation.  I was walking through SoHo, caught in the pouring rain, and I was less than prepared.  This was my own fault, I knew the forecast, and ignored it since it had been so long since I had been caught in rain like this without being able to change almost immediately I had forgotten how miserable it can be.  There are few daily possibilities that are worse than being stuck on a crowded street, trapped by slow walking individuals, in sheets of rain with no umbrella.  So I started thinking (while cursing myself under my breath) and reminded myself of these rainy day essentials… all the things I'd wished I would have brought with me.

The Umbrella.
Every man needs a good umbrella, whether you choose a compact mini-style or a large Batman villain variety, it needs to be sturdy and it needs to work.  Of course it doesn't hurt if it looks like a well put together accessory too, right?

The Jacket.

A good raincoat can save you—it can keep you warm, dry and happy until you finally get inside.  Luckily I had mine on the other afternoon (however it was rendered useless with no accompanying umbrella).   I walked passed one fella who clearly had taken the forecast even less seriously than I did that morning; no umbrella, no jacket, no chance of flagging a cab.  He and his now see-through shirt looked not only miserable but even more ridiculous than me.  Do not be that guy.  You may still be wet if you only remember the jacket, but at least every person walking in your direction isn’t laughing at your nipples.

Shoe Covers.

Do they look cool?  No.  Do they look absolutely ridiculous?  Yes.  What looks even more ridiculous?  Wet shoes hours after it has stopped raining.  Make the sacrifice of looking stupid for the short time it takes you to run from one place to another until you’re inside the building for good rather than making everyone have to hear you squish down the hall for the rest of the day.  After all, you paid good money for those kicks, keep them nice. 

Quick Tip.

If you aren’t the type of man to check the weather before you leave your place in the mornings, do your best to keep a dry pair of socks, shoes and shirts in your desk at work.  This will help for those surprise rainstorms as well, but you’re still best off just keeping an umbrella handy for the rest of the season.


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Summer Time: The Haircut

Like suits and shoes, a haircut is something you should never skimp on.  A cheap haircut looks like just that, a cheap haircut.  Summer is rolling in and men everywhere are chopping off the winter styles and going for that shorter, sleeker and lighter look. 

The biggest mistake men make while freshening up their summer cut is thinking that you can Sweeney Todd your own hair in the bathroom, or that the Mrs. can do it just as well as anyone else, I mean it is just a buzz cut, or at least something done with a clippers, right?  Wrong.  Buzz cut does not mean all one length, which is where most men seem to go wrong—doing this only makes it to grow out looking more like a mullet than a good cut.  Buzz cuts (like any cut) need to be properly blended to look perfect, and to grow out properly, something that you will never be able to achieve while trying to balance your handheld mirror and clippers at the same time.

If you are strictly going for the short-as-can-be cut for the summer then something like Great Clips will do you just fine, $20, you’re in and out in 10 minutes and they have enough experience doing buzz cuts that you should be just fine.  However if you’re like me and you don’t feel like throwing all your hair out the window for a few months then you need to get a real cut, one that will cost you upwards of $30 plus, but it will look that way as well.  But remember,  just because you pay a little more, does not mean you get to ignore it later, in the winter you can go a little longer before cutting it again, no one is trimmed as well when it’s ten below outside, but in the summer you need to look pristine, get it cut every 3-4 weeks at a minimum.  You won’t need to do the whole cut every time, but trim it up and keep it looking good.  And remember to tip your barber well, you don’t want to leave with a chunk missing in the back next time.

Some great places we recommend:
Minneapolis:  Winston’s ( )
Chicago:  Mr. 312 ( )
New York: Prestige Barbershop ( )
Los Angeles: Stag Hair Parlor ( )

If you want your hair to look anything like these cuts, when you see the Cost Cutters sale going on... keep walking.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Do Sweat the Small Stuff

An expensive suit and stylish rain coat are a good start, but no man looks complete if they don’t know how to do the details.  Accessories can make or break the way you look in your day to day routine — whether it’s a belt that doesn't quite look right with your shoes, or a bad haircut, the little things do matter.  Like most things in men’s style, accessories are typically best left simple, yet elegant, classy and able to withstand the test of time.  Here are a few suggestions, and a point in the right direction for those men who just can’t seem to get the details on track.

Watches:  These days I see so many men with enormous monstrosities of watches around their wrists.  This is no good.  A watch is a piece of jewelry, yes, but it is meant to compliment the rest of your outfit (and I suppose help you to tell the time) it is not meant to be the main attraction.  If you have any trouble whatsoever getting your sleeve over your watch, your watch is too big.  Keep it subtle, your watch should never be the loudest part of your outfit. 
This Burberry watch is perfect, has the check on the face for a little added style, but it's far from overdoing it.  Classy and stylish all at the same time.
For those men who prefer a square face, you can still keep it simple.  Sleek, stylish and you can wear it with almost anything.

Belts: Like watches, belts are another piece that should compliment the outfit, rather than being the main attraction.  Match it to your shoes, don't be too worried about matching it perfectly to your watch though.
I don't care if your belt is Gucci, you look like a douche bag.  Put it back in your closet.
While this is a little more subtle than the last, is we were doing a "Never, Sometimes, Always" piece, this would be our sometimes.  It's doable, but be careful.  I have belts I enjoy wearing out casually (which this would be great for) but if you are wearing this with your suit to work, your probably look ridiculous.
Simple with quality.  Exactly what you need in a belt. you can get this look almost anywhere, but if you're willing to spend a few extra bucks for a nice one (like this one by Paul Smith) you won't find yourself back at Macy's less than a year later trying to find another.

Wallets are something that a lot of men seem to just dismiss and forget about.  Get rid of that crappy leather tri-fold you've had since you were in high school and upgrade to a real man’s wallet-- one that says you're a man with impeccable taste, not one that says you got this for your 18th birthday.

And lastly, sunglasses, the accessory that can arguably make the biggest statement of who you are.  Go wild, do what you please, just make sure it fits with who you are.  And remember, it's hard to beat the classics.


Monday, May 13, 2013

The dos and don'ts of men's shorts

Tomorrow claims to be the first 90+ degree day of the year, here in the Midwest and that means its time to break out the shorts.  Here's some advice, quick tips, and dos and don'ts of shorts season...

Like most things, the main problem men seem to have with shorts is getting the correct fit; too long and you look like a high school kid, too baggy and it makes you look wider than you are.  And of course we all have seen the guy who thinks hes stylish, but is wearing shorts that hardly cover anything more than a Speedo would, and that is just as bad.  Like suits, shirts and shoes, you need to wear shorts that fit you correctly-- which means snug but not too snug, and they should hit just above the knee.  



Friday, May 10, 2013

(Some of the) Best Dressed Men on the Court

In honor of the NBA playoffs, we give a shout-out to the men who know how to handle themselves off the court, as well as they do on it.

From the over-sized pocket square to the all white sneakers, D Wade definitely has his own take on style.  And it works.  

While he may be known as the biggest douche in the league, the man can still dress.  He may not have as many rings as Michael, but he traded in being known for Hanes to be known for his impeccable taste in clothing. 
His style is something most of us would never even attempt to pull off, but it is him.  Russell Westbrook is  know for his over-the-top clothing and colors.  But while most people wearing this outfit (or most of his outfits) would look ridiculous, he puts it together well, and he deserves some props for that.
With his almost vintage style at times KD know how to look, play, and act like a boss
Injured or not, we love Derrick Rose in the Midwest.  While GQ may have dressed him for the picture above, the man knows how to wear the right fit.  His style is a little different and not always as put together as someone like Dwayne Wade, but it looks sharp none-the-less. 


Friday, May 3, 2013

Five rules to looking your best in a suit

Rule #1.  Make sure it fits.  Wearing a suit that’s ill-fitting is step one to a bad day.  You simply don’t look good—and if you don’t look good, you won’t feel good.  Suits that are too tight (in the pants or the jacket) are going to be unbearable to wear for long periods of time and a suit that is too large just looks like you’re playing dress up.  Either way, no one will take you seriously.  Get it tailored.

Rule #2.  Leave the Jacket on.  If you have on a vest you can get away with it sometimes, but as a general rule of thumb, keep the jacket, there was a reason you put it on in the first place—the jacket completes the look.


Rule #3.  Black suits are for funerals.  Black suits have no business being in the office.  Evening weddings or events maybe, but never in the daytime.  As a general rule, I say stick with shades of blue or grey, it says “I know how to dress” and not “I had a great time at the prom…”

Rule #4.  Brown Shoes.  I see so many men wearing black shoes with grey or blue suits, why?  Brown looks more put together, more up-to-date, and more stylish.  Black shoes are what you own when you don’t know how to pair shades of brown with things.  Leave the black shoes in the closet and experiment with new browns.

Rule #5. Get some stylish, colorful socks.  While they may not be seen as often, they are the perfect additive to complete a polished look.  Brown and black socks are boring.  Don’t be boring.
