Thursday, May 30, 2013

Summer Time: The Haircut

Like suits and shoes, a haircut is something you should never skimp on.  A cheap haircut looks like just that, a cheap haircut.  Summer is rolling in and men everywhere are chopping off the winter styles and going for that shorter, sleeker and lighter look. 

The biggest mistake men make while freshening up their summer cut is thinking that you can Sweeney Todd your own hair in the bathroom, or that the Mrs. can do it just as well as anyone else, I mean it is just a buzz cut, or at least something done with a clippers, right?  Wrong.  Buzz cut does not mean all one length, which is where most men seem to go wrong—doing this only makes it to grow out looking more like a mullet than a good cut.  Buzz cuts (like any cut) need to be properly blended to look perfect, and to grow out properly, something that you will never be able to achieve while trying to balance your handheld mirror and clippers at the same time.

If you are strictly going for the short-as-can-be cut for the summer then something like Great Clips will do you just fine, $20, you’re in and out in 10 minutes and they have enough experience doing buzz cuts that you should be just fine.  However if you’re like me and you don’t feel like throwing all your hair out the window for a few months then you need to get a real cut, one that will cost you upwards of $30 plus, but it will look that way as well.  But remember,  just because you pay a little more, does not mean you get to ignore it later, in the winter you can go a little longer before cutting it again, no one is trimmed as well when it’s ten below outside, but in the summer you need to look pristine, get it cut every 3-4 weeks at a minimum.  You won’t need to do the whole cut every time, but trim it up and keep it looking good.  And remember to tip your barber well, you don’t want to leave with a chunk missing in the back next time.

Some great places we recommend:
Minneapolis:  Winston’s ( )
Chicago:  Mr. 312 ( )
New York: Prestige Barbershop ( )
Los Angeles: Stag Hair Parlor ( )

If you want your hair to look anything like these cuts, when you see the Cost Cutters sale going on... keep walking.


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