Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Don't let the frigid months take a toll on your everyday appearance.... please.

There is something to be said about the fashion that comes from the two coasts of this great country; whether it be the hipster getting off the train from Brooklyn, or the surfer heading to the beach with his board sticking out of the back of his yellow 1997 Jeep Wrangler, both the West Coast, and the East Coast deliver such style trends in America that they are hard to miss.  I love this, who doesn't?  But my problem is, what about the Midwest? 
            I have lived in the Midwest my entire life, and aside from Chicago, there is a lacking of fashion that is only paralleled to that of a third world country.  I have asked why this is so many times I lost count somewhere in the 2000’s, but a regular answer I seem to receive is that the weather simply does not permit this region to be a fashion forward, trend setting, hip place like New York or LA.  Well, men of the Midwest, I beg to differ.  When it comes to fashion a big piece is layering, and what better place to layer than the frigid air of Minneapolis, Madison, or Milwaukee in the morning?  Why can’t we find scarves and jackets that are not only warm, but trendy at the same time? 
            I take the bus each morning and besides the (very) few skillfully dressed individuals I see, that I assume have unluckily landed here from one of the coasts due to a job replacement, the majority of what I see are old worn out jackets, suits that are so baggy they look like they have been tailored to fit Shaq, and an unsettling amount of acid-washed-dad- jeans, and all white New Balance “walking shoes”. 
            I want to know what happened, why did fashion stop after hitting a certain spot towards the middle of the country and just decide it didn't belong there?  Why must the middle of our country look like we are stuck in the 90’s and be so afraid of clothes that fit us?  
            So please, Midwest gents, take your suit to the tailor (one inch or less break in the pants and take the sleeves up a notch), and invest in some jeans that weren't $14.99 at the JC Penny’s sale.  Take notes from your New York and Chicago counterparts, just because you can see your breath outside, doesn't mean you should be seen outside in sweatpants.  



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